Outside of the urban jungle, the municipal sewage treatment plant cannot handle your wastewater treatment. For homes and buildings in rural settings, a well-designed septic system is the only water treatment plant available. If you live out in the countryside, you might find yourself asking, “How much does a septic tank cost?” 

The answer depends on many things, most notably the system’s design, type, and location. These, along with maintenance and repair costs, contribute to the overall estimate.

Tank Design

Your first consideration for the cost of a septic tank is the design of the tank itself. You should have a professional engineer plan your system, even if it adds expense upfront. The costs of repairs from a faulty design outweigh the costs of hiring a professional septic system designer. Materials matter too. Durable fiberglass, traditional concrete, or inexpensive plastic are all options, although plastic tanks may not be allowed in your state. 

Tank Type

The size of your septic tank and the treatment method you want to use are the next elements to consider. Anaerobic treatment methods require more leaching space but are much less expensive and less effective than aerobic septic treatment systems. Tank sizes also vary significantly as a two-bedroom home needs less space than a four-bedroom to get the job done. The most common tank sizes are 1,000 gallons and 1,500 gallons. Still, a smaller home could need as little as 800 gallons to handle the daily wastewater. 

Tank Location

When planning a septic system installation, remember this mantra: location, location, location. When you factor in the costs of installation permits, site preparation, and plumbing costs, location becomes a critical factor in your septic tank installation cost. Even just the plumbing can increase your total expenses, with every 100 feet of septic-ready PVC pipe running an average of $65 to $80.

Many choices affect the prices for septic tanks and septic systems. However, these are the three that have the greatest impact on the cost of septic system installation. Once you know your options and what you need to meet your wastewater management needs, you’ll have a better idea of how to answer the question: “How much does a septic system cost?”